Monday, March 24, 2008

Today Show: Today’s Health | Are Vaccines A Choice?

Not sure if anyone was watching the Today Show this morning, they ran a news story and then Matt Lauer proceeded to interview “Chief medical editor”, Dr. Nancy Snyderman. Needless to say, we have an opinion in this matter and the right to voice our opinion as the parents of a Vaccine Injured child. Let us start off and mention that this interview was completely bias and felt like a commercial for the CDC & FDA. The interview was all about a doctor and her views, there was no one there to argue the case against vaccinations and the risks involved with vaccinating your child.

So here are the facts as the Today Show reported before the interview started:

“Autism affects 1 out of 150 Children”
Dr. Bob Sears

“Vaccines are not 100% effective”
Dr. Mark Sawyer

Dr. Mark Sawyer said, “…parents should spend a day in my life (at the hospital)” when referring to children that were hospitalized with infectious diseases.

Our response to that is to spend the rest of your life in our life. We spent 1 month in the hospital with our daughter the day after receiving her vaccinations. And Infectious Disease was unable to find any childhood disease that caused my daughters injury. Our daughter was perfectly healthy, she now has a Brain Injury that requires one on one education, is on medication to prevent seizures, and will need an attendant to care for her as she gets older for the rest of her life. If this is the injury that can occur from these “safe” childhood vaccines, then we as a parents should have the right to make this decision for our children.

If we choose not to vaccinate our child, the only other child we are putting at risk is other children whose parents have decided not to vaccinate. If our unvaccinated child infects a vaccinated child, what does that say about the effectiveness of that vaccination that child received…

Now onto the interview:

Dr. Nancy Snyderman states that “The vaccine programs in the 60’s almost wiped it (Measles) out from the United States.

The Vaccine Program in the 80’s was 10 shots before the age of 6, now it is 36 shots before the age of 6. The fact is, the vaccine program in place now is not nearly close to the vaccine program of the 60’s, and to make a correlation or reference between the two is just ridiculous.

Dr. Nancy Snyderman asks, ”Is your decision not to vaccinate your child more important than population’s health at large?

Parents who have vaccine injured children have a different perspective on this, we are living this reality and we want parents to know, you do have a decision, educate yourself and make an informed decision.

Matt Lauer finally asks, “Are we doing enough research to find out whether or not these side effects are possible?” Dr. Nancy Snyderman replies, “You’re asking me if vaccinations are safe.” “Yes, vaccinations are safe.” She continues, “Now will there always be a case or two where you say wait a minute, my child was fine before the vaccination, could the vaccination itself have made my child ill…” and then mentions,”there will always be an exception to the rule” and that there is a scale “that ways so heavily to the safety of the vaccinations.

If our child is going to be put on a scale, especially a government scale, we will make the decision as informed parents. 1 out of 150 diagnosed with Autism… Think about this, 1 in 150...

(Government statistics suggest the rate of autism is on the rise at 10-17 percent annually…)

The fact of the matter is that these vaccines are not safe; they need to be cleaned up. They need to do more research and need to stop denying the fact that these vaccines do cause injuries. They are more concerned about covering up the truth for fear of a widespread pandemic rather than addressing the real issue and fixing the problem.

There appears to be this misconception that parents of vaccine injured children are speaking out to cause commotion. What happened to our daughter is done and is in the past. We are speaking out because we care and do not want to see other children injured and see other families go through what we have gone through and what we continue to go through. The part that is frustrating for parents of vaccine injured children is when we are subjected to hearing Dr.'s speak out and say "Vaccines are safe", that "Vaccines do not cause injuries", or that "The benefits of vaccinating far outweigh the risk of not vaccinating".

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